Young Artists at Work is a paid, multidisciplinary arts, activism, and job training after-school program for San Francisco public high school teens.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I enjoyed going to the galleries today. I really liked Rex Ray's art. It was so interesting to me how he does his art.

Note from Editor: Here is a picture of the David Bowie LP cover that Griff was talking about.

Assignment From Brainstorm Thing

"Art is the new rebellion; rebellion is the new art!"


My favorite artist

Hey guys, this is my favorite piece by my favorite artist - Frieda Kahlo.

It's called "The Broken Column" I really like it because I feel it truly depicts how Fridas pain 

Matthew Palladino, young SF Artist

Check this guy out. Born and raised in SF, I think?

An Actual Post From Khristine

Now, you guys can get off my back. :D Heh! I don't know what to actually write in this... Ah, well. I guess I should start with something general.

'Nyway, I'd like to introduce the artist who really got me into studying human anatomy and drawing full bodies in general. Tobias Kwan, or, Tobiee, as he's known on deviantart dot com. I suppose I worship him to some degree, but, yeah, as soon as I saw his work, I did a total change and began developing. Here's one of his artworks:

random girl by *tobiee on deviantART

This is the kind of style I aspire to progress on. I suppose I can do a daily "Khristine's Artist of the Day From Deviantart Dot Com" thing, or somethin'. When I remember to. Napping or sleeping can really take a chunk of my memory with it. orz

And because Marisol asked for it (I'm doing this for you, bb! ♥ ):

Times Four by ~elicitchaos on deviantART

An art I did recently a week ago or so. It's also a link to my actual deviantart account, so, people can stalk "Watch Me" for updates and the like.

I have a personal journal where I also post my work, but, ah... It's more interests related, and contains incoherent babbling and general craziness, so, I suppose I should rule that out.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Second Post by Marisol

Sorry for posting again so soon, I just really want to make sure I visit every place you guys already went to, but I don't want to merely visit some location, I want to know what all of you (Monica, Khristine, Scarlett, Rosa, Alexa, Natalia, Darren, and Cuauhtemoc) thought about those places, what you noticed, or want to point out for when I go there.

So far, from the calendar, I generated this list:
- Contemporary Jewish Museum
- Zeum
- Rena Bransten and Fraenkel Gallery
- Luggage Store
- Museum of Craft and Folk Art
- Museum of African Diaspora
- Edo Salon/ Lower Haters (?)
- De Young Museum
- Catharine Clark Gallery
- "awesome new cutting edge exhibit curated by an excellent team of extremely talented people"
(referring to BAN 5 I take it?)

I encourage everyone to respond, and while you guys are here, I thought I'd also share someone's blog that I found the other day
It's amazing
It's like a gallery within itself
and we could probably use it to our advantage
like this one, I found it at that blog
it's pretty futuristic if you ask me xD

Peace out!

Theme Brainstorm

Here are the words and concepts you all brainstormed about the "Through Future Eyes" theme. Feel free to add on to this list by commenting on this post. Just press "comment" and say what you think!

Also, please do EXPAND on these words and ideas in your own blog post. I encourage you all to use a bubble web to organize your ideas like we did with Temo last week. Let's start a conversation on the blog about these ideas; it is a great way to prepare for our discussions when we meet.

Through Future Eyes

Malcolm X
"in the future"
flying cars
global warming
outer space
"contact with"
cell phones
Apple (the company)
free speech

Mari's video posts


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My post for the week

Art comes in all forms, and here are two I thought I'd share

1. typography of the V speech from V for Vendetta
typography is the art of the arrangement of type (words)

2. old clothes art
someone made a tree out of old clothes
I guess you could call it an installation piece

Monday, July 28, 2008

YAAW Ground rules

Here is the list of ground rules that we generated together. I hope that we could continue this list to move it towards perfection.

YAAW Ground Rules 2008

Be respectful
No cursing
Agree to disagree
Positive attitude
No drama
Come prepared
Be punctual
Ask for help
Share opinions
Share resources with others
No personal attacks
Help one another
Keep everything in house- confidentiality and trust
Be professional
Personal space
Step up, Step Down- engage in conversations and discussions, let everyone have a turn to speak
Speak for yourself
Use “I” statements
Be an active listener
Be responsible
Respect deadlines
Bring personal experience
“Todos somos equales”= Everyone is equals
Take risks, don’t be afraid to be wrong
One mic- take turns speaking
Be determined
Step out of your comfort zone
Challenge yourself
Feel free to explore
Give your best!

Thanks to Natalia for typing these out for us to share.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Friday, July 25 galleries

Heres some stuff I scribbled down on my notes:

  1. Southern Exposures: Youth, multicolored, triangles, (unity) black and white photography.
  2. Queens Nails: Creatures, blood, music, surrealism, humor.
  3. Third Base: Helps emerging artists
  4. Galleria de la Raza: Immigration, politics, people.

Here are some theories I spun on the way the galleries presented their artwork, the reasons maybe the curator put them in that way:

Southern Exposures: Triangles make me think of pyramids from Egypt. Creating a pyramid was a project that involved a lot of people to create. The same way all the youth in the program did some artwork to pitch in to create their exhibition. 

Queens Nails: A lot of creatures and fictional characters. I couldn't really think of much on this one. 

Galleria de La Raza: Talked about asylum and immigration. The area inside was very dark, and had a few lights, giving a mood (I can't find a word to describe it), almost like being in the shoes of an Immigrant crossing the border, a dark place with a few lights. 


Third Base advice:
  • Ways to find a theme/goal for our show: 
  1. We all choose a theme ---> look and pick art
  2. Look at many artists ----> choose a theme we see that repeats in the art we see

Friday, July 25, 2008

Prez Reminders

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to write to say great job yesterday absorbing all the information that Temo and I had to share with you. I know there was a lot of information, but you all stayed engaged and contributed to our discussion including asking great questions which helped us help you. These are skills that will help you throughout your life so it's great you're learning them now! I have listed some reminders about the presentation.

Topic: BAN5 artist
Time limit: 3 min (30 sec buffer)
Focus: Organization/Outline/Media

Make sure that you use the handouts Temo emailed you to OUTLINE and FOCUS your presentations. Please prepare a pwrpoint. In general, one slide per minute is a good rule but we'll be loose about this for now.

Think about:
Color scheme/design

Lastly: ethos, pathos, logos, kairos. They are you're new Greek friends.

Have a great weekend. Look for art everywhere you go. Happy presentation making!


ps. What did you all think of this week's visits?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

One more thing!

Heres one cool MOVIE I really think we should watch, I found on youtube:



The BAN 5 opening on Saturday was fun, I can't wait to hear about what people thought of the art.

The criteria for my "favorite artist" was if I could see how their work could relate to some youth subjects. I really liked Praba Pilar's "technology preaching" I think that can relate to our youth theme, since our generation seems to be the most technology friendly, a lot of people who are even younger than us can create a website and other things.

There was one artist I forgot to write down the name. The artist was on the hallway down from the lounge, right before you turn to the right to go downstairs. The artist used spray paint.

Okay, thats all I have to say for now. See ya tomorrow!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Welcome to the YAAW Blog

This is the first post of the YAAW blog. Here is where we expect you to contribute your opinions, pick up information, reveal cool art findings, and contribute to the collective effort of the Young Artist At Work Curatorial team.
We expect:
1.) Everyone to post at least on thing each week. Since you are given journaling time at the end of each session to reflect on the day and the activities, exhibitions, and art, you have a basic draft of what to write about in your weekly summary. These reflections become crucial in the development of your "Curator's Eye" because there may be somethings that you picked up in the day that other's may have missed, and vice-versa. We need a centralized place to gather all of those ideas and feedback. Hence, welcome to the blog!
2.) This blog will be used for YAAW/YBCA purposes only. Topics and information that are relevant to YAAW & YBCA will only be allowed. This blog is not to be used for sharing personal information, talking about other people in a negative or slanderous way, announcing outside parties, posting inappropriate images, dialogue or information can lead to the dismissal from the program, dependent on the seriousness of the material. In other words, if you have a doubt that what you are posting is completely unrelated or inappropriate, then it is probably unrelated or inappropriate.
3.) The same rules that we established in class are also applicable in the blog. I will be posting the list of class rules that we collectively established. Read them. Learn them. Live them. Except that you can bring food and drinks into the blog, just leave them in the blog and not at YBCA.
4.) Distribute information that may be helpful for the understanding of the main topic of the class, the development of the "Through Future Eyes" exhibition. There maybe an article, a link, an image, a movie recommendation, a YouTube clip, or something on the web that helps further the discussion that you want to share with the rest of the group, the blog is the perfect place to share. Welcome to the blog!
5.) Please check and read the blog whenever you receive an alert. Keep up to date to what others are expressing. If we show up to classes on Wednesdays with everybody on the same page, our discussion will be much more productive.

Oh! Ooh! Oooh! I've got something to share!
Peep this: