Young Artists at Work is a paid, multidisciplinary arts, activism, and job training after-school program for San Francisco public high school teens.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
like what Scarlet was saying about "Changing Humanity: create art, endure body, recreate soul"
and i know we're looking into changing "art" and "body", and possibly even the word "create"
I'm also with Scarlett about how "flesh" isn't the best replacement for body, but how about "individual" or "self" or "substance" or maybe even switch the verb-noun so that it is
"incarnate endurance" instead of "endure body"
as for alternatives to the word "art," how's really hard, but we could change "create" to "craft" if we wanted to so it is "craft art" and it's ambiguous, you don't know if craft is being used as a verb or a noun, in which case if it were a noun you could call all the strange art that uses other stuff a craft, leveling craft and art together to make them equal....meh, just a thought, a whim-of-the moment idea, don't take that last bit seriously you guys
other alternatives to "create" since i'm using a thesaurus and might as well look it up (note that I didn't really find anything for "art") include "imagine," "ingenious," "original," "fabricate," "shape," "compose," "produce," and "institute"
I really really like what we have so far, and adding "changing humanity" in front would be good
again, because it is ambiguous, does it mean changing all human beings (their bodies) or human kindness to the world around them
i'll comment on all your guys' posts on tuesdays, i'm doing all my HW on monday, which sucks, it wasn't my choice :'(
things came up....
we'll have this done by wednesday for sure ^^
Research of LIMN artists
- Caleb Duarte: I really like what we saw in his installation, I feel we should also take him into consideration because he has a political,ironic and "in your face" aspect of his artwork.
I found this on his website.
Interesting info on the group project on the other side: (for artist websites, click on their name)

Lori Nix:
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Suggestions Anyone?
Substitution For The Word "Art"
- Techniques
- Talent
- Ability
That's what I have so far!!!!
Title Ideas
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Exhbitition Statement
We made a lot of progress, but we feel that Rosa, Scarlett, and Monica ought to have a say in this.
Remebe that time last week when we had to figure out the order of the sentences for the gatherers show. We made sentences individually and tried to fit all our sentences together. We strung things together like "life is change" and how it incorporates the transitions in art and the human body.
We were approaching titles by the end of the day, and strung "create, endure, recreate" along with "body, art, soul" and tried to combine them as create art, endure body, recreate soul, the third part "recreate soul" alluding to the idea that when the visitors leave our gallery, they'll have a different perspective.....
um....thats about it
where's alexa and khristine?
and I have a question for darren, if we do meet at the limn gallery which is on 290 townsend (cross street 4th street) (and i've actually been there before, but for another reason, because City Arts and Tech High School was having a mini auction in order to raise money for a trip to Nicaragua.) what time are we meeting there? 4:30?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Intersection of the Arts

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Research info of the White Walls Artists! Please comment!!!
Cleon Peterson
Justin 'Coro' Kaufman
Shepard Fairey
- 1. I went to Cleon's website, but he only has ONE picture up. I dug up a few thing such as:
But all the other pics I found was the same exact art that we already saw at the galleries. I am interested in maybe contacting him to see if he can visit us and show us more of his art. I feel his art kinda goes with the human endurance. Another painting I saw at the gallery but couldn't find it online was the one where theres a street corner and theres police everywhere, people killing each other, people trying to save themselves (everyone for themselves kind of thing) and I feel that it falls in the big umbrella we have of "human edurance"
- 2. I also found "Coro's" website:
But I'm not too sure about his artwork. I think it has a lot of a "aliens are gonna come and kill us in the future" feel to it ( on the concept art)
On the other hand, I did like some of the stuff on this section:
The only reason I like it was cause of some of the asthetics, but I think some of the pictures might relate to our theme. Check them out and tell me what you think.
- 3. Shepard Fairey:

He seems to be a very political person, and I see political rebellion as a human endurance. I think of how people are forced to be silent and are repressed by the government. So I think he would also be good to consider.
YAY I'm a super shero!
July Attendance

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Today's class 8/20/08
Finishing the Thank you cards
Finishing the title
Visit with Edmundo de Marchena
(2 questions for Edmundo)
Calendar review
Please be on time, and be professional.
paz y pan,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
"The Gatherers" Curatorial Statement
Oct 31-Jan 11 (Gallery 3)
Curators: Veronica Wiman and Berin Golonu
""Urban Naturalists" (working title) looks at a culturally diverse group of artist groups and their motivations for greening the urban sphere. What ties their work together is a combined interest in using art and cultural activism to incorporate the experience of nature and agriculture into urban habitats. Various issues are touched upon, from the construction of public or semi-public urban social spaces; to environmental issues affecting urban residents; to the politics of localized food production and affordable nutrition for city dwellers. Since the experience of nature is a conditioned response that varies from one culture to the next, the curators are interested in bringing groups from different cultures and urban locales together to exchange and explore these differences. Also examined will be the cultural differences of populations and immigrant groups within each urban locale, and how varying backgrounds are reflected in the use of public space. We are therefore targeting artists from cities such as San Francisco, Stockholm, and Istanbul located near agricultural regions, and containing a large number of immigrant groups transplanted from both rural and urban locales. The project aims to examine how these differences motivate different incarnations of green pockets of social space within any given urban environment. The exhibition at YBCA will be flexible so as to accommodate proposals or public programs site-specific to the Bay Area and its residents."
Keep this in mind as your ideas about your theme develop and grow.
ps. Missed ya'll, see you Wednesday!
~One handed typing gimpy.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Rosa, Superstar!
Here are some artists that have nature as an element in or subject of their art:
- koh myung keun
- zach pine
- Tonito Valderrama
- markbaugh-sasaki
- Meeson Pae Yang
Ideas: "My Name Is (Wo)man" + "Deus Ex Machina (Title Pending)"
What will become of women of tomorrow? Of next week? Month? Years? While the struggle for women's social status has been long and continues on, there has been definite changes to the image of a woman. So, what do people see the next step for women? What does society view women of today? What do people envision women of the future to be like? Artists explore and mold their ideas to give perspective and story to this concept to introduce audience the change of women, of femininity.
Recommended Artists:
Ana Teresa Fernandez
Edmundo de Marchena
"Deus Ex Machina"
Technology has been everywhere and anywhere throughout history, and has gone through large leaps and bounds on the past several centuries. Everywhere you see in today's society, technology is apparent, an addiction, technicalities given form and function. Machines, technology, and science are often viewed when referring to what the "future" will look like. Through the eyes of various artists, this exhibition would introduce ideas, possibilities of steel and wires and machines and computers of the future.
Recommended Artists:
Praba Pilar
I've been searching around deviantArt dot com, and have found various artists and samples that could go into either theme. In a sense, I could be mixing the two up, just showing the ideas separately. Samples are given with artists, thanks to DA's handy embed system.
Mecha + Masculine + 1 by ~DAMEAUX9 on deviantART
queenbee by ~ongaro on deviantART
EVE - by `adonihs on deviantART
Female mecha by *AndreeWallin on deviantART
The black dress by *elsevilla on deviantART
Enter the Hive by *elsevilla on deviantART
SHURIKEN: vehicle concept 1of3 by *HOON on deviantART
Recommended Artists
HOON (specially his GEISHA piece)
It'd be great if some of you guys could check around some of these artists. They could have something to catch your eye. Or, possibly, check out their Favorites - they could have favored another person's work or art that could appeal to you, or if you wish to learn more (as artists tend to favorite things to their own tastes or styles or whatever).
Too bad most of 'em seem to be from overseas and all. Ah, well.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Monica's ideas and artists
1. Endurance of the Human Body:
• Contrasting the beauty of the human body to the dangers of the human mind: I was thinking of Edmundo’s piece how represents women with these nice curves (pic #1), but in another he has this weird contraption that seems to hurt the ear(pic #2). Other things that destroy humans: invention of the atom bomb (pic #4), holocaust, abuse (pic #3), wars (pic #5).
Edumundo's Peices
(Pic #3)

(Pic #2)

(Pic #1)

Frank Ebert's peices:
(pic #4)

(pic #5)

• Contrasting the coarse-ness/ugly side of the human body, how it can endure a lot of pain, bruises, stiches etc. Juxtaposed to the side of fragility, softness, and cariño (I forgot how to say it in English, translator please!) of the human body. (Or like the softness/innocence of a child's body, versus the coarsness and worn down body of an old person or something)
Examples of Coarce-ness:
Frida Kahlo (but I don't think we can put her work up =/) (Frida Kahlo Roots)

Andrew Carnie (Disperse)

Jennifer D Anderson (no title)

Lucien Saxon (Job's Grief)

Frank Ebert

Giorgio Tuscani (Unveild Beauty? part II)

Frida Kahlo (Broken Column)

2. Transitions of becoming a child->teenager and becoming a teen->adult
Contrasting the Immaturities of tween years (like sexual stuff), and the rebellious side of becoming a teenager to an adult (like politics, and corruption)
Here are some examples:
Edmundo De Marchena:
Some of the Zeum Artists (couldn't find any names) I want to use their video, some audio, and the "sculpures" they made.
I was thinking if we could have performers, if we could have Youth Speak artists (rebellious side)
Also, painings from Balmy Alley. The paintings youth created.
Southern Exposures artists.
list of artists (post by marisol)
I'm trying to find out that specific statistic i was talking about that my sister told me of, but she's off at Davis and it's hard to contact her. Her t-mobile cell phone is useless!!! arg!!!!
anyways, hopefully I'll have polished this blog entry into a powerpoint presentation by tomorrow. I hope everyone blogs! I WANT FREE LUNCH
so here's my list:
misako inaoko (bay area artist!!!)
andy goldsworthy
pabra pilar (bay area artist!!!?)
brian dettmer
leigh wells (bay area?)
rex ray (bay area?)
tim noble and sue webster (a woman) (some dude)
if possible, the people at
lisa kokin (bay area artist!!!)
john ricker (bay area artist!!!)
shen shaomin (maybe)
doug owen
boaz vaadia
nathaniel parsons
christopher wenler
peter diminick (maybe...)
deagon keller (maybe....)
mark baugh-sasaki
jeff hantman
digger thang (not sure if that was his name)
and maybe that guy (or gal?) who was in my shoe book (stine heilmann)
and take a look at the poster for young at art
those shoes made of natural stuff were made by people at my school!
and not on my list, but khristine wanted me to remind her about Jessica Martin
note: not all these artists may be on the exhibit, since it may not be possible, and we could always find more artists that fit this concept about rethinking materials for art, using scrap stuff and nature objects, the possibilities are endless.
I encourage you guys to google the artists on this list, and maybe help me expand my list ^^
please comment!
and please check these people out!!!!
SuperSheroes: Be prepared for this Friday
For Friday we need to:
-Begin class at noon and not 1pm.
-Bring an appetite, and I will bring lunch.
-One paragraph about the themes that we have narrowed down, or be bold and come up with a new theme.
- List our the strong parts of your ideas in either a list, mind map, or bubble diagram.
- Try to think of the areas of your ideas that may be weak or in need of development. If you can't visualize what your are saying then it may need to be developed more or dropped all together.
-Post on Blog, Read Blog, Comment on other's Blogging.
- If this is all done, we should be able to finish well before our 3pm deadline.
- If we finish, we can watch a documentary called "the Beautiful Losers", a film about one of the most popular exhibitions at YBCA. This exhibit continues to tour around the world, and the film shows the artists and the final results of the exhibit as they unfolded.
Be professional, Be On-Time, Live 110%, Be SuperSheroes!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Matt's first post
I'm finally on the blog and looking forward to reading your entries. I just want to say again what a great opportunity it is to be a part of this project and I hope you all see what an amazing opportunity we have all been granted. I can't wait to see you all Friday and finalize the theme so you all can really start digging into the selection of artists, which I am expecting to be the most fun and challenging experience so far on this crazy adventure. We'll also be looking at your poster sketches and moving forward on planning for the next Whats The Big Idea Day activities, which is exactly one month from today. Mark your calendars (9/13)!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Summer Show in Summit: 6 painters, photographers, and sculptors
Just a quick review of a show with some of the imagery that the press talked about.
Summer Show in Summit features painters, photographers, sculptor
Friday, August 08, 2008
Star-Ledger Staff
'We've reached the point now in the United States where Latino artists demonstrate a kind of layering about identity and culture that meshes into the dominant society, but with a distinct twist,' says Alejandro Anreus, former curator at the Jersey City Museum, now associate professor of art history and Latin American studies at William Paterson University.
This month, he's curating 'Repeating Islands: 6 New Jersey Latino Artists,' the Summer Show 2008 at the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey in Summit, which illustrates his argument with three painters, two photographers and a sculptor.
'Take map artist Lisette Morel (of Nutley),' Anreus says.
'She uses the formal language of the white art world -- you know, abstraction and repetitive mark-making -- and turns it into something else, something more immediate. She takes red, white and blue dots of acrylic or soft pastel, which happen to be the colors of both the Dominican Republic and the American flag, and transforms maps of New Jersey and her island of origin into roughly indistinguishable smears of color. She shows New Jersey becoming the Dominican Republic and the Dominican Republic becoming New Jersey. It's a Modern sensibility, but synthesized with a deeper range of meaning.'
All the artists share a common ancestry in the Spanish-speaking Caribbean, either born in or descended from people who emigrated from Puerto Rico, Cuba or the Dominican Republic. They share the same Roman Catholic visual culture, with its hierarchic and narrative impulses.
That could not be clearer than it is in Union City artist Rodríguez Calero's 'acrollages' (collaged images on canvas), which take Catholic iconography -- one work is titled 'La Madonna Negra,' another 'St. Sebastian'-- and update it with a kind of contemporary photographic realism. (Calero is Puerto Rican). Verona's Raúl Villarreal, a Cuban-American, does something similar in three easel paintings that combine backgrounds taken from the news media, like the burning oil fields of Kuwait or smoking glass high-rises, with figures drawn from commercial advertising. Each one is provided with a little street jewelry that spells out a theme (like, 'Soberbia' or 'Emigrante' or 'WMD' -- Villarreal calls this his 'Bling-Bling Boom-Boom' series).
Bloomfield sculptor David Medina, a Dominican-American, uses the visual heritage of African and native Taino cultures to make figures of metal and glass. Three cast-glass statuettes are dedicated to Yoruban gods (all of them featured prominently in the Newark Museum's 'Embodying the Sacred in Yoruban Art,' still up through Aug. 24). Even more interesting are bronze and blown-glass representations of a three-horned god that can look both classical and drive-in movie alien (one sculpture's glass head is filled with Christmas tree lights).
But you really get a sense of the multiple scrims of meaning Latino art embodies with the photographers in this show. New Brunswick-based Julio Nazario, a Puerto Rican born in New York, is showing digital photos of clouds inspired by the paintings of JMW Turner and the photos of Alfred Stieglitz. They reprise the Catholic iconography of the heavens, blotting the sun or making palpable the touch of its rays.

Dan Bischoff may be reached at
©2008 Star Ledger
© 2008 All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Exhibition Ideas 8/6/08
Innovative material in art (5)
Art made with nature (6)
Color coding (2)
Mythos: mythology and symbolism in stories (1)
Graffiti: SF and street culture (6)
Science (1)
Poetry interpreted as art (1)
Endurance/perseverance of the human body (7)
Pressures related to becoming a(n) teenager/adult (6)
Outsider arts (adults not their age) (1)
2nd vote
Innovative materials for our future (4)
Graffiti Culture (1)
Endurance of Human Body/Becoming a Teenager (7)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Ghost In The Shell II
Even if you hate anime, you will be overwhelmed by the breathtaking visual and spiritual experience that is Ghost in the Shell II. It is 2032 and humans, animals and machines have intermingled to such an extent that distinctions among life forms have become almost arbitrary. Bato is a cyborg detective with a man-made body but with a human brain, who is investigating the case of a female robot who killed her owner.
(2004, 99 min, 35mm)
If you are interested, please email me at and I'll request tickets on your behalf.
I am also waiting for those of you who are interested in attending the Frida exhibit on your own time. Remember that school is starting soon and you might not be able to see it once classes begin. Take advantage of this opportunity to see such a magnificent collection of her work.
Monday, August 4, 2008
My DeviantArt
Khristine already knows
and Darren saw it once
Losing Sleep Over Thiiiiiis~
^Clicky on the image to see larger image. 8D
I'm really quite proud of this work, mainly because it's really my first time doing anything major with a pen tablet, as I'm usually the good ol' pencil and paper kind of person. Note: This is a fanart of a woman named C.C. from a series called Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, copyright of Sunrise.
I was inspired by these images the show sends out at the end of each episode:
The original artists are a rather famous group of manga artists called CLAMP, as they made the original character designs for the show. ♥
Images found from these sites:
And, just for fun, listen to the tracks they are played with in the Endings and see more great art. ♥
^シアワセネイロ/ Shiawase Neiro - By ORANGE RANGE
^わが臈たし悪の華/ Waga Routashi Aku no Hana - By ALI PROJECT
Well, guess that's all.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
brian dettmer (book art dude)
another artist who makes art using old stuff
just like
leigh wells
rex ray
or tim noble and sue webster (see right)
their trash art makes shadows!
above is a skittles dress (found on deviant art)
at left is a necklace made of a fork
Saturday, August 2, 2008
My Absenses
I know i've been absent alot lately and i wish i've could have been there for the trips and for our guests on wednesday, but as we all know i had the stomach flu and could not participate. I did manage to contact Rosa and Monica to ask about any assignmaents. Monica did say that we have to brainstorm about themes and pick two, i believe, and say why we picked those two. And also she told me that Kate wanted us to come with two questions we want to aks the artist that will be coming in next week and i do have the list of the artists names that maybe coming in next week. I also missed the BAN 5 meeting today because i didnt get to a computer soon enough but i have replied to Monicas message stating that i would like hear all about what happened.
ok so now i have to leave but i will see everyone on Wednesday if any anything comes up i will be emailing everyone my number to contact me. So shall i say tootuls!
p.s. I think i spelled it right!
bye bye!