Young Artists at Work is a paid, multidisciplinary arts, activism, and job training after-school program for San Francisco public high school teens.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008



The BAN 5 opening on Saturday was fun, I can't wait to hear about what people thought of the art.

The criteria for my "favorite artist" was if I could see how their work could relate to some youth subjects. I really liked Praba Pilar's "technology preaching" I think that can relate to our youth theme, since our generation seems to be the most technology friendly, a lot of people who are even younger than us can create a website and other things.

There was one artist I forgot to write down the name. The artist was on the hallway down from the lounge, right before you turn to the right to go downstairs. The artist used spray paint.

Okay, thats all I have to say for now. See ya tomorrow!

1 comment:

djd said...

Thanks for the post. Praba Pilar's interview can be heard at the following link to KPFA.
Hit Archives and select "Browse the archives" in the upper left hand corner,click on Saturday, July 26th on the calendar on the left, hit RADIO 2050 in blue, and listen to the show. The interview provides a lot of information about the development of her installation, and her opinions about technology. Please inform me if you want to go to her service on Sunday,August 10th, 2pm at YBCA so I can arrange tickets.