Young Artists at Work is a paid, multidisciplinary arts, activism, and job training after-school program for San Francisco public high school teens.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Suggestions Anyone?

So we have the word "Create" and now we are looking for another that can go with the "Create" but it can't be the word "art" :

Substitution For The Word "Art"
  • Techniques
  • Talent
  • Ability

That's what I have so far!!!!


djd said...

I am the first to respond. Yay!
Thanks for your suggestions.

Monica said...

Look at Marisol's post, she looked up some words in the Thesaurus under the word "create"

Mari/o said...

if we are using "creat"
i really like your word "techniques" because for the part of our exhibit that uses unnatural material, thats exactly what the artists are doing, they're creating new techniques
nice one, alexa ^^