Young Artists at Work is a paid, multidisciplinary arts, activism, and job training after-school program for San Francisco public high school teens.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Title Ideas

Create gutts, create word, create touch, create feel, create impact, create soul, create endurance, create rough, create intensity, create destruction.


djd said...

I'm first again! Yahooooo!

Mari/o said...

you know darren, you may be the first, but you're not really saying anything, so it doesn't count, lol, j/k

anyways, i really liked it, but there's two that popped out for me
"create soul" because "soul" was already taken for "recreate soul" if we are using that three part title
and "create destruction" beucase it's the opposite of what the artists who use different materials are doing, so if we could find a word that is the antonym of "create" i think that would be wonderful
not necessarily "destroy destruction" because that's just weird, but maybe something like "erase desstruction"
I REALLY like that word, Monica, it hadn't even popped up in my head!