Young Artists at Work is a paid, multidisciplinary arts, activism, and job training after-school program for San Francisco public high school teens.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Links from Kevin at Intersection

Hey all,

You mentioned last week that you hadn't seen these links yet that were sent to us from Kevin Chen over at Intersection for the Arts, so here they are:

"Here's a bunch of great sites to look at lots of work and styles of artists.

The Irving Sandler Artists File

Art Business Opening Receptions

and here's the websites for some of the artists that I showed from the obsessive reuse show ....

Lauren Davies (dog hair sculptures)

Stephani Martinez (doilies and buttons)

Zachary Royer Scholz (couches)"

1 comment:

Mari/o said...

thanks, this was perfect since i was looking for some of those artists

by the way, where've you been?