Young Artists at Work is a paid, multidisciplinary arts, activism, and job training after-school program for San Francisco public high school teens.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

An Actual Post From Khristine

Now, you guys can get off my back. :D Heh! I don't know what to actually write in this... Ah, well. I guess I should start with something general.

'Nyway, I'd like to introduce the artist who really got me into studying human anatomy and drawing full bodies in general. Tobias Kwan, or, Tobiee, as he's known on deviantart dot com. I suppose I worship him to some degree, but, yeah, as soon as I saw his work, I did a total change and began developing. Here's one of his artworks:

random girl by *tobiee on deviantART

This is the kind of style I aspire to progress on. I suppose I can do a daily "Khristine's Artist of the Day From Deviantart Dot Com" thing, or somethin'. When I remember to. Napping or sleeping can really take a chunk of my memory with it. orz

And because Marisol asked for it (I'm doing this for you, bb! ♥ ):

Times Four by ~elicitchaos on deviantART

An art I did recently a week ago or so. It's also a link to my actual deviantart account, so, people can stalk "Watch Me" for updates and the like.

I have a personal journal where I also post my work, but, ah... It's more interests related, and contains incoherent babbling and general craziness, so, I suppose I should rule that out.


1 comment:

Natalia said...


thanks for sharing your work with us! i checked out your page (i've never been to deviantart before). I really enjoyed how expressive your figures' faces were, and you're definitely succeeding at portraying the anatomy that you're interested in! awesome.